Are you data enlightened?

Home 5 Analysis & Measurement 5 Are you data enlightened?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again.

Data – and how you use it – is the key to commercial success, whether you’re running a corner shop or a multi-national conglomerate. And it’s never been more true than it is today, as companies everywhere begin the fightback to regain lost sales.

That’s why we’ve been busy conducting an independent survey into the data capabilities of well-known companies across all sectors and finding out who’s best placed to survive.

The two principles of success

We interviewed dozens of companies and assessed their abilities across six core data essentials.

We found that some businesses were still struggling with getting all their data in one place. Some had masses of data expertise and understanding, but lacked the technology to put that knowledge into action. And others had the latest software, but little idea of what to do with it.

You can see a full report of our findings here, but it led us to one inescapable conclusion. There are just two things you need for data success.

The ability to FIND the opportunities and the skills and technology to ACT on them.Refocus White Paper Image

It sounds simple, but we discovered that too many companies are either wildly imbalanced in these two requirements or lacking in both areas. And some are so determined to reach perfection before they act, that they end up doing nothing at all.

We found out that it’s those companies who were able to find some opportunities – no matter how small – and act on them quickly who are out-performing those who don’t. It’s not even the size of the opportunity that’s most important, or the technology available, but the willingness to get on and ACT on it that’s the differentiator.

It’s a mindset that’s so vitally important that we’ve adopted it as our ethos.

We call it Data Enlightenment.

Finding the path to Data Enlightenment

Data Enlightenment is a balancing act of the abilities to FIND and ACT on opportunities. Once you’ve found that path, your marketing effectiveness increases dramatically. And with the ability to measure the results, you start a natural cycle of improvement.

We’ve helped hundreds of clients overcome the data, expertise and technological challenges that prevent them transforming their marketing effectiveness.

Take a look at through our new website and you’ll see how serious we are about Data Enlightenment, because we believe it’s an approach that can transform your marketing effectiveness. So much so that we invite you to assess your Data Capabilities and receive your own personalised report.

It’s free, it’s confidential and it’ll take just 20 minutes of your time. You’ll find out how you score against six essential data capabilities and how you compare against your peers. it could be the best 20 minutes you’ll spend this year talking data.

So if you’re ready to find Data Enlightenment, we’re ready to show you the way, contact us here.

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